Barbara Brennan and the
Brennan Healing Science

Dr. Barbara Ann Brennan is a renowned healer, teacher, former NASA physicist, and author of the best-selling books Hands of Light and Light Emerging, which have been translated into 26 languages and sold over a million copies. She has devoted many decades to researching and exploring the human energy field, also known as the ”aura”. The aura, home to our energy centers (chakras) and personality, represents the subtle extension of our emotions, thoughts, belief and relationship systems. 

The Brennan Healing Science is a holistic therapeutic system that combines energy healing techniques with psychological and spiritual processes related to every aspect of an individual's life. According to this approach, any alteration or weakening of the energy field is directly related to our state of health from a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual point of view. 

Blockages or distortions at the energetic level are therefore reflected in every aspect of our lives, creating fears, unwanted emotional reactions, a false perception of reality, harmful relational experiences and physical pathologies. Often, these energetic alterations also lead to the blocking of creative energy.

A specific work on the distortions present in the energy field can allow the restoration of the psycho-physical balance and act as a preventive measure on the state of well-being. Moreover, this kind of work helps to recognize and realize one's purpose in life.

Through the use of one's “high-sense perception", the Brennan practitioner identifies the aspects involved in a particular issue, which can be on one or more of the following levels:

  • physical

  • psychological and psychodynamic

  • emotional

  • spiritual

  • on the level of intention (Hara)

Each of these aspects is present in the form of a "level" within the energy field of everyone and any problem on any of these levels manifests as an energy distortion or blockage. And since they are all interconnected, a problem on one level also manifests on all the others. A Brennan practitioner is able to "tune in" to each of them and facilitate the healing process.

An essential component of this kind of work is to make the individual aware of what has led him to this state of imbalance and to help him become an active part of the healing process. The Brennan Practitioner is not a "healer" in the strict sense of the word. Rather, he or she is a facilitator and a mirror for the individual. Through a better understanding of oneself, a person can better understand how he or she came to be at a certain point in his or her life and consequently choose more consciously in which direction to move.

The essence of the Brennan Healing Science lies in the psycho-spiritual evolution of the individual from a perspective that embraces the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic understanding of the wounds and blockages that hold a human back from the full expression of his or her potential, offering a model of life in which awareness becomes a tool for self-healing and all-round well-being. 

The Brennan Healing Science differs from other energy techniques in the profound work of integration and personal transformation to which the operator is subjected, as well as in the targeted training: 4 years of training plus, as in my case, 2 optional years of advanced studies. Each year of study is accompanied by rigorous supervision and a minimum of 18 compulsory sessions of individual therapy, guaranteeing a competent and complete support to the client who decides to start on their path of self-awareness. It' s a complementary discipline, not an alternative to traditional therapeutic modalities such as medicine, psychotherapy and psychiatry, to which it is often used as an adjunct.